A view of the Los Angeles skyline with snowcapped mountains in the background

SAE IMSTA Festa – Los Angeles

On Saturday, June 14th, David and Darren attended the SAE IMSTA Festa in Los Angeles to demonstrate Playground Sessions to those interested in checking it out! People of all ages attended this event and stopped by our booth to learn more about our software! It’s always great sharing our passion for teaching people how to play the piano with those hungry to learn!

Of those who stopped by our booth, there were quite a few people who were brave enough to put their piano skills to the test by playing some of our songs in front of the crowd of people who had gathered to see the software in action. Green notes received cheers from the crowd, and red notes received words of encouragement. The best part about this experience was that everyone was having fun!

Here are some pictures from the event. We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

1 thought on “SAE IMSTA Festa – Los Angeles”

  1. Pingback: MTNA Conference Recap - Playground Sessions

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